napoli world 2025


Carlos Seixas is the artistic and production director of FMM Sines Festival (www.fmmsines.pt), since 1999. FMM Sines is all about the music and is especially tuned to the contemporary world, the movements of migrations, the culture-crossing and the transcontinental encounters. Carlos started his career as producer and programmer of live events in the 80’s. He took part as a jury of showcases selection in international music markets ie. Atlantic Music Expo, Womex, Mozambique Music Meeting, Budapest Ritmo. He lead in programming and produced other events. Also curates Ciclo Mundos a live music programme @ Teatro da Trindade in Lisbon since 2016. Also he is currently the artistic director of Festival Imaterial in Évora (www.festivalimaterial.pt)and associated with Gindungo Artist Development, a music management organization.