Matyáš Hradil | Czech Republic

Matyas is currently a student of Palacký University Olomouc, head of the production of Czech Music Crossroads, and a member of the production team of Festival in the Streets ART&LIFE and Colours of Ostrava.

Czech Music Crossroads offers a music platform attended by the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. Carefully selected bands focusing on local roots, acoustic music, folk, fusion, and jazz music are presented to an international audience of invited professionals, promoters, and journalists. Besides the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia, each year, Czech Music Crossroads welcomes and presents artists from different guest countries. Historically, bands from Hungary, Austria, Serbia, France, South Korea, Slovenia, and Spain have been introduced. In 2024, the event’s partnering countries were the UK and Italy. Besides concerts, the event also offers a conference part based on networking and speed meetings, with the participation of foreign-based professionals and delegates. More information can be found on the event’s website www.crossroadsmusic.cz.